Welcome to Thriving Futures
Summary of SSHRC Insight Grant - A University Case Study: Exploring Inclusive Pathways for Sustainable Development
In September 2015, countries adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to respond to the global growing inequalities, climate emergency and nature in crisis, that left the Earth and its inhabitants susceptible to looming doom, with a projected climatic disaster if nothing is done. Considering, this call to action has been woven into local and global strategies at both the micro and macro levels. Universities have a played a critical role in contributing to the Sustainable Development (SD) by bridging the knowledge gaps and achieving the SDGs through research, education, and community engagement.
Through a mixed method case study approach, we look to explore the question, “How do we deeply engage DAL community voices and span boundaries within Halifax to interact, co-create, and co-inspire actions towards climate action and sustainable development by (re)imagining desired futures?” We will employ research methods integrating a combination of surveys, expressive arts, and focus group discussions.
Research Objectives:
How do we deeply engage community voices and span boundaries within Halifax to interact, co-create, and co-inspire actions towards climate action and sustainable development by (re)imagining desired futures?
Sub-questions the team is interested in exploring are:
1. Who and where are we (DAL constituents and HCL users and other participants) as a community in our sustainability thinking and practice?
2. How do we inclusively engage community members in this desired future process?
3. How can we interweave non-western alternative knowledge frameworks with scientific knowledge frameworks to enable new ways of thinking for climate change action?
4. How do we let go of old stories that bind us and create openness to new possibilities?
5. How can community members and institutions of power commit to achieving outlined desired futures?
Thriving Futures Team
Research Team
Research Team
Dr. Kent Williams (Principal Investigator)
Dr. Binod Sundararajan – Dalhousie University
Dr. Joyline Makani – Dalhousie University
Dr. Tony Walker – Dalhousie University
Research Collaborators
Dr. Alice Aiken
Dr. Martha Smith Brillant
Rochelle Owen​
Åsa Kashan, CEO, Halifax Libraries
Research Assistant Team
Loretta Baidoo (RA)
Alexander Davis (RA)
Mariana Sigala (Mitacs Intern)
Rohan Choudhary (Mitacs Intern)